
Wow, nearly two years of nothing. Blame life.

I had an itch to write a few rare posts on some things techy and so I go here to look and the last entry was at the end of 2011.  Ha!  There main reason is that basically 10 years of a normal person's life got squeezed into the last 2 years = New + {wife, kid, house, job} and everything associated with them {moving, immigration, doctors, lawyers, insurance, hunting, etc}. Since this is a lonely page, it's very low priority, and noone else cares, but it's time I start scratching some of those itches.

Well, amongst the accumulated things tech that are significant are:
  • I use a Mac now.  It was the result of the job change.  I've never used one prior to last year.  I mean I've touched them and toyed with other people's... but never my own as a primary machine.
  • I hardly ever code now.  That's a bit of an exaggeration but not by much (partly because I'm not sure whether to count SQL in there). Another job switch thing. 
  • I'm still stuck writing Python when I do code, and all the things I hated about it before are still present, but I've bended to acknowledging that it benefits from better inertia and there are some interesting modules around for it that I can't seem to find the equal of in e.g. Ruby.
  • I'm in a position where I have to use new software tools and in a more structured environment which I'm finding interesting, though sometimes frustrating.

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