
And the next letter will be...?

I've witnessed the trends where a slew of companies, names, and products would nearly simultaneously begin with "x", "e", "@", and now "i". I can't say which is the worst offender though "i" is currently taking the cake because unlike "e" (email, ebusiness, ebay) it not only keeps its lowercase lettering but the letter after it is always capitalized (iPod, iTunes, iMac, iFinder, iHome, iBoom, iMotion... check out the name of this product). A close second would be "@" which isn't even a letter but at least it was short lived.

So what will be the next letter/symbol du jour?

While I'm at it, I think that "www" should be eliminated from any and all web addresses. It is a truly unfortunate those words that it stands for begin with the only English letter that is 3 syllables and therefore cumbersome to say, much less 3 times in a row. I think only the German speakers don't mind this since their pronunciation of "w" is "vay" (though they did compensate with "upsilon" for "y"). All basic atomic letters should be one syllable. I'd say numbers should be too but I there are good arguments for having them all be two syllables, but definitely not mixed (e.g. se ven, ze ro). But we can't do anything about the letters and numbers pronunciations that we've inherited. This "www" thing is though. And with the ubiquity of the web, it means nothing anymore.

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