
Context ads

I remember reading an article of how Amazon's context recommendations were proposing things like "Planet of the Apes" as "you might also be interested in" stuff for people looking up things related to Martin Luther King or Black History Month or something like that; creating a bit of a furor.

It occurs to me that stuff like this has to be happening all the time and I would be there's a site out there somewhere collecting it. I was just reading a Google groups post where a guy was suggesting using suspenders in place of belts for people with big bellies. The Google context ads on the side all concerned pregnancy. I'd post a link but the ads of course rotate in and out. On second read one had to do with pregnancy, one about babies, and one other regarding beanbags.

I wonder how many of these misapropos that can be deemed as offensive will pop up, how many will create a stir large enough for action to be taken, and how to handle it in freeform.

Fortunately, Google ads are (when used properly) unobtrusive and easily ignored, especially since they're all text and take up fairly little real estate. Boggles my mind how some people think it's not enough. I've seen pages where no less than 4 areas of the screen devoted to these ads, including between posts. Does this really help earn revenue that much?

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